Jul 7Liked by DoG

Tankapult 🤣 that's a good one.

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Democracy is nothing but chaos and portraits us the savior of the world not so fast Is there any Peace ever since it initiation? 🤔

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The ATF one and the vegan diet.

Also I read them all out to my whole family but scrolled down slowly to build anticipation.

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Jul 1Liked by DoG

The vegan diet one was the funniest!

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The statue of fuckery cheering it on behind the flag is to funny!!!

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Love ❤️ Love ❤️ Love your memes! It makes my day a little lighter! 🤣🤣

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Your captain america is about 100 lbs underweight - his muscles are showing. I haven’t seen a body like that in real life since Jack LaLanne.

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Jun 30Liked by DoG

Awesome, going to "borrow" a few.

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Jun 30Liked by DoG

Lots of lols here. Good job, DoG!

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Wow! Good shit!

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Good batch today. I need a tankapult.

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These were awesome…the first one, needs to have an extremely overweight person

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Jun 30Author

that one's my thumbnail in my 'Part 15' of this truthbomb series. :D

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OMG 💥💥 bombs this morning. Especially like the dickhead hat graph 😂

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